About Collabfests

In the lead up to a local Action Summit event, we run an evening networking event where people and organisations from the local Food Waste sector are invited to come together and explore possibilities to collaborate.

A ‘collabfest’ is a two to three hour event with the following typical schedule:

5:30 to 6:30 pm General Networking
6:30 pm start  15 to 20 Four minute pitches
until 8:00 pm  General Networking


The ‘pitching’ is similar to a ‘Pitchfest’ in the innovation and startup ecosystems, that typically involve an organisation presenting their ‘elevator pitch’ to an audience of investors.

A Collabfest pitch is to a broader audience.

The organisation overviews their organisation and their key value propositions and differentiators to solve customer problems.

They also identify collaborations sought from stakeholders in the local Food Waste ecosystem:

  • what they can offer other stakeholders
  • what they are seeking from stakeholders

Video recordings are taken of the pitches so that they can be added to the organisation’s listing on the  global and local Climateers Food Waste Directories.

To facilitate networking, Collabfest attendees are issued with coloured dots on their name tags to identify whether they are working in Food  Supply Chain, Food Waste Prevention, Food Waste Rescue or Food Waste Recycle.